INDIAN RING NECKS, they make excellent pets. their ability to mimic words and tricks, and repeat sound make them suitable pets.Indian Ringnecks go through a special stage after weaned that may cause them to be aggressive. This stage is natural and is a learning period for your Indian Ringneck. Even.Even though they get into their bluffing period, we advice you to continue handling daily to ensure tameness. Remember that most birds, especially parakeets get territorial while they are in the cage. so if your indian ringneck tries to bite while you try got get him out of the cage is normal as he is only trying to protect his territory and he might feel you are invading his privacy. dont forget to handle your baby at least one hour daily after weaned in order to remain tame.
Common Names: Green Indian Ringneck
Scientific Name: Psittacula krameri
Origin: Asia, India, & Pakistan
Lifespan: up to 30 years (captive). in the wild they survive less because of natural predators, and disease.
Clutch Size: 3-6 white eggs; but average 5 eggs
Incubation: 23 days
Talking Ability: Excellent,
FEEDING: Parrot mix is their base as in the wild they eat seeds, weeds, buds, i personally use seed mix as base, add pellets and any fruits that comes available. Apple slices is what they eat the most; also i give them celery, oranges, corn in the cob, romaine lettuce, kale and pomegrenade.
BREEDING: Ringnecks are easy breeders but it takes a commitment to do so. I start putting up breeding boxes by the end of December; as soon as i mount the breeding box they star peaking in it. be careful when introducing new males to the females as they are aggressive and she can even kill the male. to avoid this problem i put both male and female in the breeding cage without nesting box. i pair them up by October so they have plenty time to know each other. At the end of February they start laying. they can double clutch if you pull out the babies by two weeks to hand feed them; that way you give the pair time to prepare for a second clutch.
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